I'm ashamed to say it's taken me this long to try an organic vegbox from a UK farm. Well, I finally got with the program and decided to give Riverford Organic Vegatables a try.
I had a flip through their very well laid out website, chose a nice medium size vegetable box and some other products. The vegetable boxes include seasonal vegetables mainly grown on their farm. Two days later, the box was delivered to our central London home in a sensible, reusable, fold up cardboard box. And in it, we found and array of good and dirty summer veg including:
Bunch of beet root (my fave)
Bunch of carrots
Fresh mint
Fresh rocket (arugula)
An assortment of lettuces
Cabbage type head (yet to be tasted)
Bunch of onions
Cherry tomatoes
And the verdict: Excellent quality all around.So much better than supermarket organics. We plan on being regular customers.
And the package came with a booklet on how the farm works, their ethos and interesting info on the farming process and the A-Z of seasonal vegetables. Which I insisted on reading aloud over our dinner of Riverford greens. +Riverford
It was almost as good as the pick your own we did a few weeks back - we had our first go in the asparagus fields. Very exciting.
It's been an interesting week trying to buy household products and food only made from recyclable packaging. A mixed bag. Literally. For example, I just made a rocket (arugula) salad with fresh mozzarella. The rocket I bought from Waitrose last week was in a recyclable bag made from recycled plastic. However, the rocket I bought from Sainbury's today was in a bag that did not have the recyclable sign, nor was it made from recycled plastic. The Sainsbury's mozzarella was equally guilty. However, Sainsbury's does use some bags that are recyclable, mainly for their organic products. Less confusing were the products in cardboards boxes/cartons and aluminum packaging. All clearly recyclable. And almost all of the plastic packaging we bought was recyclable apart from a few random items we bought at Marks and Spencers and the lunch spot Eat. Things like salad containers that looked like they were candidates for the recycling pile turned out not to have any recycling symbols...