Green Correspondent Alice sent us a link to a company called Ethiscore which reviews companies on an ethical basis.
+ Ethiscore
It rates companies based on their scores against 20 ethical business criteria grouped into 5 main categories: environment, people, animals, politics and product sustainability. Reviews are included for everything from cell phones to banks, chocolate, butter and computers.
There are a few reports which are accessible for free or you can access the full library of scorings for a set subscription fee of £15 (about $25) per annum.
The results can be surprising. Some of the organic food industry faves like Green & Blacks fall far behind lesser known brands. And Ecover has a lower Ethoscore rating than I would have thought.
It's a relief to have such a comprehensive look at companies to help guide shopping decisions. Have a look and see what you think. Thanks Alice for enlightening us!